Preparing “per capita CO2 emissions” for plotting
I downloaded per capita CO2 emission data from Our World in Data. Climate change is one of the biggest issues that my generation has to come up with solutions for quick. Rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are causing catastrophic changes that could ultimately lead the extinction of mankind if we don’t act as fast as possible. This data will be used to analyze ten countries and the amount they produced (per capita) from 1950 - 2020.
This is the link to the data.
The following code chunk loads the package I will use to read in and prepare the data for analysis.
Rows: 24,032
Columns: 4
$ Entity <chr> "Afghanistan", "Afghanis~
$ Code <chr> "AFG", "AFG", "AFG", "AF~
$ Year <dbl> 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, ~
$ `Annual CO2 emissions (per capita)` <dbl> 0.0019, 0.0109, 0.0117, ~
Create the object countries that is list of countries I want to extract from the data set
Change the name of the 1st column to Country and the 4th column to CO2emissions
Use filter to extract the rows that I want to keep: Year >= 1950 and Country in countries
Select the columns to keep: Country, Year, CO2emissions
Assign the output to country_co2
Display the first 10 rows of country_co2
countries <- c("China",
"United States",
"South Korea",
"Saudi Arabia",
country_co2 <- annual_co_emissions_by_country %>%
rename(Country = 1, CO2emissions = 4) %>%
filter(Year >= 1950, Country %in% countries) %>%
select(Country, Year, CO2emissions)
# A tibble: 708 x 3
Country Year CO2emissions
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 China 1950 0.142
2 China 1951 0.179
3 China 1952 0.220
4 China 1953 0.226
5 China 1954 0.267
6 China 1955 0.311
7 China 1956 0.347
8 China 1957 0.406
9 China 1958 0.819
10 China 1959 1.11
# ... with 698 more rows
# A tibble: 1 x 1
1 90.7
write_csv(country_co2, file="country_co2.csv")